Sunday, May 6, 2012

Doctor Who

I am doing a T.V. Show review of Doctor Who: The New Series!
Okay, so Doctor Who has been around forever, and It's about this..'man' called The Doctor, but he's actually not a human, he's a Time Lord. The last one. The Time Lords are an alien species from a planet called Galiffrey. They look human, and are very similar to humans, but they have two hearts. The Time Lords also have a sort of space ship called a T.A.R.D.I.S. (Time And Relative Dimension In Space). It acts as a Teleportation/Time Machine. Anyhow, the series is about a Time Lord called The Doctor, the last Time Lord. I won't tell you how he became the last because hey, I can't give away everything, right? Yes. So, The Doctor's T.A.R.D.I.S. looks like a 1970's Police Box, because a wire in The T.A.R.D.I.S. called the chameleon circuit, which makes the T.A.R.D.I.S. look like something you'd find in the place and time you are in, is broken. So it's always a police box. The Doctor generally has companions he travels with, and travels through space an time setting things right. Sometimes he'll go into the future, sometimes into the past. The show is sometimes funny, always interesting, and I recommend watching it. So...yeah. The one I am reviewing is the new series, because the show has been around forever. There are a lot of different ones, and The Doctor never dies. No, seriously. Well, he does, but he can regenerate. O.o
But yeah. WATCH IT.